Menu Plan Monday - Week 14

Not really much for planning this week since I fly out early Wednesday and return on Easter Sunday ... but I do have 3 days to plan so here it is:

Sunday - Pasta with Red Sauce and garlic bread. Pulled the sauce and bread from freezer (Hubby will make it a garlic buttery mess)

Monday - black beans and rice with leftover pork tenderloin (rice mix from pantry, pork from Saturday)

Tuesday - ChixMc Sandwiches - had picked up some chicken patties last week while on sale (2 bags for $5.99) and toast some buns I have in pantry still

Wednesday through Saturday Hubby is on his own. I'm thinking I will probably chill with my dad one night at the rehab place, one night with my father in law (again, will try to take HIM out be he never lets me pay) and one night at Hubby's brother. I need to stay focused and get the trailer done once and for all to get rid of it. $385 lot rent, $140 electric and $55 for insurance. Figure only $1100 a month coming in and thats way too much for a 'storage facility' since no one is living there.

I'm having major anxiety about bring my dad back ... hoping all goes according to plan...wish me luck!

Linking up with Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday ...


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